Thursday, May 7, 2009

My trip to the emergency room

Last Tuesday night I got to experience a trip to the emergency vet. I don't really mind going to the vet cause I get to ride in the car and the doctor always gives me lots of treats. But not the emergency vet. They gave me stuff to make me throw up. You see, I ate two, yes two, of Max's socks. Stinky little boy feet smell. YUM! But Laurie didn't think that was such a good idea. They do feed me pretty well here but I wanted a little something extra, so I saw an opportunity and grabbed it! The next thing I knew I was going for a ride! Yay, I thought until I got to the clinic. Then they gave me some stuff (apomorphine) to induce vomiting. Laurie was going to try the old hydrogen peroxide trick (only after talking to the vet, of course) but decided to take me in since I had eaten 2 socks. I probably won't learn anything from my experience since I'm a dog, but hopefully the humans will try harder to keep things out of my reach. Socks, towels, rags, underwear, etc. I like them all!
That's it, I just wanted to share my fun with you all! til my next adventure....

1 comment:

  1. oh dear, oh dog would love to chew on my socks! hope there's nothing to worry about...hey by the way, I just joined in this exciting Pup-peroni Sweepstakes Promo that gives me the chance to win $750 worth of prize package! It's so fun, you should try it, too!
