Saturday, February 20, 2010

On Boxers

We were received the following today (cut out from The Chicago Tribune).
"An acquired taste
George Diaz, Orlando Sentinel
Much like cabbage and green beans, boxers are an acquired taste.
My two — Marvin and Mia — sometimes eat their poop. Sometimes they might eat the cat poop. Sometimes Marvin simply tries to eat the cat. Boxers belch. They discharge odorous gasses right about the time you're taking a bite out of a sandwich. Some people might find this disgusting. I say it's part of the charm.Boxers are a loyal and loving breed. I've got the drool stains on my face to prove it.If she could talk, Sadie the Scottish terrier would tell you something I already know:
She has boxer envy.
Burp. Fart. Belch. "

Yep, that's me!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

On Food, Diet and Exercise

Since we're in the pet industry we come across a lot of interesting (and not so interesting) stuff. Recently, we came across a story about variations in calorie labeling for 'low calorie' pet food. I don't have to worry about that, as I burn enough energy to keep me a healthy weight. (The easiest way to determine if your pet is over weight is the "rib test": Place you hands on your pet's rib cage with your thumbs on the back. If the ribs are easily felt, your pet is considered to be normal weight. Of course, if you have questions about your pet's weight, please consult your vet. ) Spacejam, our cat, may be a bit overweight so Laurie feeds her a reduced calorie food. (She may need to rethink this, based on the article we read.) Now, I'm not a food expert nor do I want to give pet nutritional information. I just want to share the story so you have better information!

Of course, diet alone doesn't contribute to your pet's weight. I've talked about easy ways to exercise your dog. Play, go for a long walk, etc. As they say, it your dog's fat you aren't getting enough exercise!