Thursday, April 23, 2009

Summer Travel's Around the Corner

I love spring! I just got a new fence so I get to spend lots of time playing outside. One of my favorite new sports is pulling the pine cones off the tree and then playing with them. It's becoming a bit of a challenge, however, since I've pulled all the ones of the lower branches. You should see me jump! Hopefully one of my humans will take a video of my and post it for all to see, since it's pretty amusing!

And of course, after spring comes summer. I hope we go on vacation somewhere. If we do, I'm sure we'll drive. I know my humans are going to make sure I'm safe when we travel. If you're going to travel with your pet, please make sure you're ready and safe. There are some great resources with tips on travelling with your pet. The ASPCA has some great tips for car travel. If you have to travel by air, check out the Humane Society of the US, which offers wonderful information on air travel. And, if you need some ideas on pet friendly places to stay, visit our friends at Fido Friendly magazine.

Lastly, since it's spring it's time to consider some new duds. I just got a new collar from a tail we could wag. There's an awesome new design that's not yet available through the web. It's called Harborside and it's bright, fun and made with the same high quality materials that they make all of their stuff out of.
Harborside Twilight

Harborside Daybreak

If you're interested in more information about Harborside, please call the humans at a tail we could wag. Their number is 866.726.wags

Happy Spring!

1 comment:

  1. Happy spring too! Welcome summer! This is such a nice season for pet owners. By the way, did you by chance see this article about Zootoo’s shelter makeover?
