Friday, December 5, 2008

No Puppies for Christmas, Please!

I know we're really cute, with our big eyes and floppy ears, but, as my human owners can tell you, puppies are TONS of work! When I came into the family, my humans had been considering a dog for many months, did plenty of research of what type of dog would be best for their family, looked at dogs at the local shelter and spoke to responsible breeders before selecting me. Once they made the decision they made sure they were ready to bring me home...they had food, grooming supplies, toys, treats, a crate, a collar and leash (of course!) and information on a puppy pre-school class. They already had the vet because of Spacejam. (As soon as I came home they made my first appointment to see the vet.) They were very prepared for me. However, since Christmas (or Hanukkah) puppies (and kittens) are often a surprise, people may not be ready for the responsibility of pet ownership.

Human experts (humane societies and shelters, AKC, PETA, etc.) agree that it's better to wait until after the holidays to bring home a new pet. Here's a great article from the Humane Society.

The Best Gift You Can Give

Instead of a new pet, give pet supplies and other items (e.g. gift certificates from your vet) to start preparing for your new family member. (Make sure you have a really cool collar and lead from a tail we could wag!) If you really want to give a pet for the holidays, please consider adopting from a local shelter. Visit Petfinder to help locate a shelter near you. If you can't find a shelter dog (or cat), please work with a responsible breeder. For more information on breeders, visit the AKC.

I hope you have a tail wagging holiday!

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