Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why I Have Pet Insurance

No, this isn't an advertisement for pet insurance....I'm just glad (or my humans are) that they have pet insurance for me. Just last week I was playing outside, which is what dogs do, and I tore my nail; right down to the quick. Laurie cleaned me up nicely and didn't think about it until late in the day. Realizing that it was Friday and the vet would be closed for the weekend, she called to see if there was anything she should do to keep an eye on my foot. You know, infection, whatever. Well, the vet said I should come in because, being a dog and all, I would probably continue to get it dirty, and get all sorts of bad stuff in it. Plus, since it had bled they needed to see how badly it tore. So, in I went and $200+ later I was home...E-collar and all. (I hate that thing!) I had torn the quick so they had to clip my nail WAY back and cauterize it. The e-collar was to prevent me from pulling the bandage off and licking my foot. It didn't stop me at all! Thank goodness Laurie took the bandage off after 1 day (it got wet). And I never licked my foot/toe so she took the collar off early as well.

We don't know how much the insurance company will pay but they do cover "torn nail" (yes, it's an actually code on the insurance sheet!). So, even if they pay half it's well worth it. Who knows what trouble I'll get into next!

For those interested, our policy is with VPI.


  1. Aw, Stella you are too cute. I am glad that Laurie has pet insurance for you! Such a great idea! I have pet insurance for my Kloe, its with Trupanion :)

  2. You poor thing! Tearing a nail must have been excruciatingly painful. Thank goodness for your insurance!

  3. Thanks Stella! Good tips. I am glad you have pet insurance. I wish you quick recovery!
